*SPOILER ALERT* Movie【Kimetsu No Yaiba-Mugen Train, Demon Slayer-Infinity Train】⑥ Selections Of Everyone's Impressions (the dry ones in a good way + including spoilers)
The mega hit cartoon/ anime, "Kimetsu no Yaiba" "Demon Slayer" has been released in theaters on the 16th of Oct. in 2020, making it an unprecedented blockbuster in Japan.
(According to the latest survey by the box office news agency dated February 8, 2021,
in 115 days of publication 27.07 million people were mobilized and 37.1 billion yen in the performance income has been recorded)
It seems like that Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demon Slayer) has been also gaining popularity overseas, especially in Western countries and Asia.
And this time, I will introduce 6 impressions of Japanese people who watched the movie earlier, including spoilers (intentionally, I dared to select critical impressions)!
Note: This article contains spoilers, so please do not read if you would like to know in the movie
Is the story of this movie included in the original comics?
It's probably the stories from "the 54th episode of the original comic volume 7" to "the 69th episode of the 8th volume"
And the movie of Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demo Slayer) is a continuation about the final episode of the anime.
Well,,,the anime ended when "Tanjiro" and his party members got into the train (infinite train/ Mugen train),
and the movie this time is about the story after that.
How come I chose the critical impressions?
The answer is simple.
It is because the critical impressions include more spoilers and details. Although doesn't mean that the movie itself sucks. It's all up to you to feel good or bad.
Please eventually watch the movie and use full of your five senses and even your sixth sense, with your own eyes and ears and body!
think movie and anime fans are a must-see movie, whether they are Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demon Slayer) fans or not (in advance let me say).
Are there honestly pros and cons in the movie version of Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demon Slayer)?
Yes through my view.
As of today (2021/02/11), the following three well-known movie criticism sites have a rating of 3.6, a rating of 4.0, and a rating of 4.1, with an average of less than 4 stars. Of course there should be agents of messing around, but
If that's lesss than 4 stars, you cannot deny the pros and cons.
And this time, I selected 6 impressins from the most helpful of 3 sites "https://eiga.com/movie/91918/review/ 映画.com" (overall evaluation 4.0) which I felt something strong and deal.
* reiterating that I have dared to select critical impressions. (because the critical impression is more specific, contains more spoilers and details) *
* 3 movie criticism sites *
https://movie.jorudan.co.jp/cinema/39580/review/ From "映画の時間" (Comprehensive evaluation 3.6)
https://eiga.com/movie/91918/review/ From "映画.com" (overall evaluation 4.0)
https://filmarks.com/movies/86962 From "Filmarks映画" (overall evaluation 4.0)
And now about to introduce 6 impressions of the movie (dare including dry + spoilers) which is the main subject!
Here we go!
Impressions of the movie (dare including dry + spoilers)
NO.1 Impressions of the movie (dare including dry + spoilers)
映画としては0点。鬼滅の刃の映像化としては100点。 BY 加藤プリンさん
映像が綺麗? いやいやもっと描けるはず。
Source: From 映画.com
* The work that faithfully visualized Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demon Slayer)
* 0 points for a movie but 100 points for a visualization
*necessary to put performances with "punch" onto the movie.
"In the first place, this "Infinite Train(Mugen Train) Edition" itself is an uninteresting episode with the particularly low degree of perfection in the original.
No drama, no villain to be borught out the strengths in. lacking ingenuity and ideas to overcome difficulties, and the humans who helped out the demons don't even appear from the middle the story.
Even though there are some interesting and inflatable elements such as "dream", it's an ironic to know that it's all about the overwhelming charm of the MAN called "Rengoku" and...his sudden death.
However, it was a work that also faithfully visualized both of the bad and weak parts of the original. That's honestly also what fans want.
As a "visualization" work of Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demon Slayer), perfect score."
NO.2 Impressions of the movie (dare including dry + spoilers)
設定を知らなければきつい by かるすとんさん
出典: 映画.com より
* Surprisingly seems like the explanation of the setting is omitted, and if you don't understand the synopsis and background of this cartoon to some extent, you may be left behind in the movie
"If you don't understand them, it might be difficult to feel "Rengoku"'s strength."
NO.3 Impressions of the movie (dare including dry + spoilers)
え? by MARUさん
出典: 映画.com より
* The last enemy has nothing to do with the infinite train(Mugen Train) that is the key of the movie, so the composition of the movie is not good
NO.4 Impressions of the movie (dare including dry + spoilers)
原作漫画のファンです by かなめさん
出典: 映画.com より
* wonder why 3 of almost unrelated friends of "Rengoku" were so emotional and weeping at the death of "Rengoku" (at least they got angry on the demons in the final selection and "Natagumo Mountain Arc", but they never ever cried)
* The scene of the mansion at the beginning with the original one for the movie, the last scene of the tears from Kasugai crow both knock you out!
* The movie that fascinates you, with different sense of presences when movement and sound are added
from the comments of the original manga fan
NO.5 Impressions of the movie (dare including dry + spoilers)
どこで泣けばいいのか全く分からなかった by ikikagaさん
出典: 映画.com より
* Some who has almost nothing to do with Rengoku appears and talks about the pasts and spending a lot time on it, and it makes you feels uncomfortable
*Actually Rengoku's mother's words quote Spider-Man's father's words, and it's all the main theme of Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demon Slayer)
NO.6 Impressions of the movie (dare including dry + spoilers)
-いいけど まあふつうでしたね・と思った話をします。 by えんぞさん
なぜか敵の鬼が、その首切っても死なないよ もう僕は列車とドウカしちゃってるからね〜・て親切に白状しちゃうの、ホントどうかしちゃってると思いました。お子さま向け説明ですかね、でもそこを折り込むとしてもコレ 観客ナメてますよね、て感じです。
熱烈ファンはたぶんここ完全スルーなんでしょうけど そんな都合いいわきゃないと思ってます、説明してるか説明してないかと云えば間違いなく前者なので映画の演出としては落ちるわけです。
あとは、炎柱死んじゃうとこ? まあ なんというか、主要キャラ?人気キャラ?を「死」で以って退場させちゃうことで涙を誘う演出は極めて王道で、なので「ふつう」でしたね。キャラクターが死んでショック・なんてのは人の心を動かす方法としては安易なんです、死んだら悲しいの当たり前ですからね。
しかも敵に大した設定がない。 この映画の前に登場してた蜘蛛の子のように、鬼になったほうにも人生があってそれなりに説得力があると怖さも深みも増していいと思うのですが、なんでもない、今回はただ悪を悪としてしか描いてない感が残りました。
たとえ今後の伏線になるかもしれないとしても、です。 無気力化した炎柱の父親の経緯と併せてなにかあるかもしれませんが、でもこの映画のみについて云うならそこにドラマはない気がしました。後半登場した格上の鬼は前半の夢オチ鬼とは無縁で、でも意外と、人間の命の虚しさの本質をついててやや期待もてたのですが、結局は夜明けまでしゃべり続けただけで、ふりかえると ただ炎柱を殺して退場させるためだけに登場した、そんなやり方あるかよ? と思ってしまいました、残念でしたね。
出典: 映画.com より
* Rengoku dies, and the performance of death is the easy way to move your heart, it's way too ordinary as a perfomamce of a movie
* There are not enough establishments/ deals about the enemies
* The superior demon that appeared in the second half, knows what it's all about the essence of the emptiness of human life, and makes you expect but in the end it's just another enemy to just entomb Rengoku and just direct his death
*just the good movie though
How did you feel?
The impressions that we often see is about 3 characters who almost have nothing to do with Rengoku, and It is pretty weird when they talk about their long pasts, have too much feelings about the death of "Rengoku".
As I mentioned above, dared to choose the critical or dry impressions. And the impressions of other people who praised are honestly commonplace for me, conversely the critical and dry ones are the REAL in a good way for me.
I felt that the enthusiastic fans, those who really have full of love into Kimetsu no Yaiba(Demon Slayer) dare to criticize, and I felt that there is full of love from them, in a good way !
pros and cons, that's why it's worthy watching!
Eventually it's all up to you about what to feel, means you've gotta once go check it out with your own eyes on the screen!
And I'll go watch again this week, the 2nd time xD
Thank you!
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